Sabine Reich

Fictional friends and enemies as first aid after ostracism? Experimentally investigating the potential of para-/orthosocial relationships in belongingness need restoration and emotion regulation

Jun 1, 2024

Science popularization in a polarized society: How scientists in the field of climate change communicate science and deal with potential negative feedback

Sep 1, 2023

Ethik und innovative Forschungsdesigns. Working Practice und Erkenntnisse aus der Nutzung apparativer und biometrische Messverfahren in kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Forschung. [Ethics and innovative research designs. Working practice and findings from the use of instrumental and biometric measurement methods in communication research.]

Sep 1, 2023

Effects of sexism on women’s political expression online - Evidence from a preregistered repeated-measure experiment.

Sep 1, 2023

Do Sexist Comments Hinder Participation in Online Political Discussions?: A Preregistered Experiment

Mar 1, 2023

No Likes – no control? Examining the role of social anxiety and coping deprivation in social media ostracism

Jan 1, 2023

Media as Powerful Coping Tools to Recover from Social Exclusion Experiences? A Systematic Review on Need Restoration and Emotion Regulation through Using Media

Nov 1, 2022

Work in Progress: Initial results on the effects of sexist incivility in political discussions online

May 1, 2022

Prevalence of online harassment in German men and women

Mar 1, 2022

Genderbasierte Diskriminierung in der Klimawandeldebatte auf Twitter.

Jan 1, 2022